IASME Governance

IASME Governance

The IASME Governance standard was developed over several years during a government funded project to create a cyber security standard which would be an affordable and achievable alternative to the international standard, ISO27001.

Government backed cyber security standard, alternative to ISO27001.

The IASME Governance standard allows businesses to demonstrate their level of informantion security, data protection and cyber security for a realistic cost and indicates that they are taking good steps to properly protect their customers information. Once a business achieves the IASME standard and certain criteria, IASME provide Cyber Liability Insurance of up to £25,000. The IASME Governance - Self Assessment includes a Cyber Essentials - Self Assessment.

IASME Governance goes beyond Cyber Essentials with additional tests for Information Assurance Governance and GDPR, which consists of a self-assessment questionnaire and can include an optional precheck with a certified IASME Governance Assessor.

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